Therapy Dog & Handler Training
The most important part of Canine Assisted Therapy is the relationship between the dog and the dog’s handler. The proper guidance of the dog, thus the success of therapy depends on this relationship. A Therapy dog always works with one specific dog handler, who is also the dog’s guardian.
We provide the only training program in Greece with International Certification in Canine Assisted Intervention.
The program is suitable for health professionals, mental health professionals and educators who are interested in incorporating the healing properties of dogs in their work, as well as individuals who love dogs, have a genuine tendency to help people and want to offer through Canine Assisted Therapy.
It is divided into 5 Levels so that you can progress to the level of knowledge you want. To receive International Certification, you need to complete all 5 Levels. It includes theoretical training, practical training, hands on experiences, examinations and supervised professional internship.

Level 1

Animal Assisted Services- Introduction
1st Level is introductory, and you will learn substantial theoretical parts of Animal Assisted Services. You will understand the differences between therapeutic intervention and emotional support. You will know the applications of each field. You will learn the terminology used in the different applications of AAS and the basic characteristics of dog selection.
Suitable for: All those who want to know the subject.
Prerequisites: Love dogs and people.
Duration: 1 Two-day Seminar.
Level 2

Canine Assisted Emotional Support
In Level 2 you will learn how to utilize the qualities of your dog to provide visitations in hospitals, nursing homes, special education schools, typical schools, orphanages, etc. You will learn to develop the necessary structure, to be able to practically implement a CAE program. You will learn the basic management policies, such as health, safety and ethics. You will understand the principles governing dog health and welfare. You will gain research knowledge on how to strengthen the bond between animals and humans and how it is used in emotional support theoretically and practically.
Handlers at this level are assessed on the coordination they have achieved with their dog and their ability to apply CAE in realistic scenarios. Handlers are Certified as Visiting Dog Handlers and dogs as Visiting Dogs respectively. Dogs must be at least 18 months old. Trained in basic obedience. Assessed through PADA Test for suitability and safety to work with adults and children.
Suitable for: Those who want to work in Canine Assisted Emotional Support.
Prerequisites: Completion of Level 1.
Duration 3 Two-Day Seminars.
Level 3

Advanced Preparation in Canine Assisted Therapy
Level 3 offers advanced theory in developing a therapeutic interaction, combined with advanced dog management skills.
At this level, graduates can understand how to invent therapeutic interactions and apply them in different therapeutic or educational settings, as they now understand the neurobiology behind them. Handler’s practice developing the ingenuity of targeted therapeutic interactions. The dog at this stage has started training in tricks, agility and activities. Is working on his off-leash response in simulations of the working environment as preparation to be evaluated at the next level for his ability to work off-leash with individuals.
Suitable for: Those who want to prepare for Professional Certification in Canine Assisted Intervention.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 1 & 2. Working experience in the field of Level 2 with your dog. The dog must have successfully passed the PADA Test and be responsive to its Handler.
Duration: 3 Months.
Level 4

Advanced Therapy - School Dog & Handler
At Level 4 the Dog and Handler complete their trainings. Handlers can develop and perform Therapeutic Interventions. Dogs are very responsive and have been assessed in working off-leash with different people, children and in different environments and conditions. At this level Handlers learn specific exercises and activities relevant to their field of practice. For example, a Handler who works in early intervention will receive different exercises and activities to one that works in education, health or other sectors of mental health.
Suitable for: Those who want to go to the next level and become professionals in Canine Assisted Intervention.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Levels 1, 2, 3. Demonstrate skills commensurate with your learning. Dogs must respond successfully to the respective activities of the program.
Duration: 6 Months.
Level 5

Certification in Professional Canine Assisted Intervention or Activities
At Level 5 you will complete your internship with your dog, and you will now be able to effectively combine theory and practice in your profession if you are a health, mental health professional or teacher. Final exams are held to receive International Professional Certification in Canine Assisted Intervention and Therapy Dog Certification. If you are not a health, mental health professional or educator, then you will receive an International Certification in Canine Assisted Activities Coordination and you will be able to work with your dog in leisure, entertainment and corporate settings or cooperate with a health, mental health professional or educator to be able to carry out Canine Assisted Interventions.
Suitable for: Those who want to work professionally in Canine Assisted Intervention.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Levels 1, 2, 3, 4. Internship completion and practical training in the field of work.
Duration: It depends on the success of each internship and the learning pace of your dog.
* Important information
This certification in no way places the graduate in a legally regulated health (e.g. doctor) mental health (e.g. psychologist) or education (e.g. teacher) profession and graduates will be certified to work only in their existing field of work. Graduates’ existing qualifications and their certification in the program will be published in an international directory of Certified Professionals as follows:
Certified Professional in Canine Assisted Intervention (Psychologist), or Certified Professional in Canine Assisted Intervention (Speech Therapist) or Certified Professional in Canine Assisted Intervention (Special Education Teacher) or Certified Canine Assisted Activities Coordinator (Employee Activities). Accordingly, dogs that have received Certification as Therapy Dogs are also published in an international directory.
* To remain certified, handlers must demonstrate progress in remaining up to date concerning later scientific knowledge in Canine Assisted Services. Must comply with Canine Assisted Therapy Code of Ethics, Animal Welfare and Protection Rules. Maintain systematic supervision for them and their dog, defined according to their field of work. The dog needs to pass a certification renewal test every two years.
Are you interested in Therapy Dog & Handler training?
If you are interested in Therapy Dog & Handler training, please call +30 6983067428 or fill out the form.