I came to Dogtherapy when I was a 4-month-old puppy. Being extremely smart (as well as very handsome) I was able to learn basic obedience very quickly, and then they realized I was the perfect dog to begin training as a therapy dog!
I have been trained in Greece and the USA with the best trainers and certified programs. I started visits and therapeutic interventions when I was 1.5 years old and, until today, I have been working as a therapy dog with children and adults, individually and in groups. (Don’t ask me which ones I prefer; this is hard to answer!).
I have worked with children and adults with autism, with children with depression and integration problems, in special education schools, day centres, nursing homes. I often visit standard schools and exhibitions to inform and raise awareness of diversity and inclusion.
I have worked with many different professionals such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and special educators.
I love helping grown-ups and children as much as treats, petting and hugs!