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International Personality Assessment of Domestic Animals

PADA test is an international behavioural test administered for the professional and objective assessment of animals’ personality.
It was designed by ICofA– International Community of Anthrozoology, by Hungarian researchers specializing in domestic animal behaviour and Ádám Miklósi, one of the leading researchers in dog behaviour. It is a scientific tool for the assessment of animals intended to work in animal assisted services, used by the scientific community for research and practical purposes in the field of human-animal relationships and interactions.

It is comprised of various activities, measuring the dog’s reactions or non-reactions, in specific environments, stimuli or situations. Thus, provides information about the dog’s personality traits, such as phobias tendencies, training response, aggression tendencies, boldness, activity, etc.

Our team is the official ICofA
evaluator of the PADA Test in Greece.

Why should your dog participate in the PADA Test?

Animals’ personality characteristics shape their behaviour and their responses to the environment.

Various personality elements appear in a very subtle manner and are very difficult to detect. Even for the most experienced dog guardians, it is not easy to be objective and fully understand their dog’s behaviour. This can affect the relationship, communication, dog’s well-being, dog and individual safety and create behavioural issues.

When you know your dog’ s personality traits, you can better understand the underlying cause of certain behaviours, motivations, which environments/situations might be difficult or more demanding, in which conditions can your dog excel, and how you can better adjust things to improve daily life of your four-legged companion.

Where is PADA Test used?

The advantages and applications of the PADA Test are:

  • Suitability assessment of dogs intended for service & therapy.
  • Behavioural assessment of dogs that are intended for dog sports.
  • Evaluation of dogs with behavioral issues.
  • Behavioral assessment of dogs for rehoming.
  • Assessing family pets with behavioral issues.
  • Improvement of dog’s general training and obedience.
  • Improvement of dog’s quality of life through daily life and environment adjustments based on the dog’s needs.
  • Communication improvement and relationship boost, through further understanding of your dog.
  • In cases where dogs need to be accompanied by official documentation of their mentality.

When should your dog's personality be evaluated through PADA Test?

  • If your dog is intended to become a therapy or service dog.
  • When your dog is directed in dog sports.
  • If your dog has behavioural issues that make his/her and your daily life difficult.
  • When you are about to adopt a dog and want to know more about his/her personality.
  • If you want to better understand your dog’s needs, to provide a more suitable environment.
  • When you want to strengthen the relationship between you and your dog.

PADA International Database

Results are stored in an international database so they can be used for comparison in scientific research and publications. If you want professional assessment of your dog’s personality traits, please call +30 6983067428 or fill out the form:

    International Therapy or Service Dog Certification

    International certification of Therapy or Service Dogs is important because it ensures that selection, suitability control (PADA Test), training and certification procedures of Therapy or Service Dogs are held according to global standards.

    A dog working in Therapy or Service, is important to be Certified by an international organization because it ensures that:

    • International procedures of health and safety rules relating to Canine Assisted Services are followed.
    • International rules of dog safety and welfare are met.
    • Global protocols are applied in dog and handler training.
    • Finally, dogs can work in public contexts worldwide based on European Legislation.

    Our Therapy Dogs are Certified by International Bodies. We are the official της ICofA evaluators for the PADA Test in Greece. We train and certify Handlers, Therapy & Service Dogs in collaboration with international organization.

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