AAI is a complementary type of therapy, which includes the use of animals in several treatment domains. It improves mental, social, physical and cognitive functions of an individual and it is usually used for:
- children and adults facing PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders),
- elderly people who suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s or mobility problems,
- children and adults with mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders, specific phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression,
- children and adults in rehabilitation centres, nursing homes and hospitals,
- children and adults in special treatment centres and schools.
About us
About us

What we do

We utilize the benefits of CAT within the following fields: Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Psychotherapy, Physical and Mental support of Elderly, Medicine, Paediatrics, Physiotherapy and Education. We provide CAT sessions on an individual or group level, in our organization or in cooperation with several treatment centres.

We provide the only training program in Greece that certifies you and your dog internationally in Canine Assisted Therapy. The program is suitable for health and mental health professionals, as well as for people who love dogs and have a genuine desire to offer to other individuals through Dog Assisted Therapy.

We are the only licensed team in Greece to conduct the International Personality Assessment Test of Domestic Animals (Pada Test). A scientific evaluation of the dogs’ personality characteristics & temperament that provides a professional assessment of their suitability as therapy & service dogs. The PADA Test is also used in other cases such as a better understanding of the dog’s needs in case of adoption, etc.

Knowledge about dogs and being able to communicate better with them, always improves the therapeutic alliance between dogs and humans. We are driven by the idea that more and more people will have the opportunity to understand dogs and their contribution to society. Therefore, we constantly provide new educational seminars for those who want to learn more about the nature and positive effects dogs.